A Foundation that gives a Fresh Natural Finish?

L'oreal True Match Foundation

I am always on the hunt for the perfect foundation.  I think I may be particularly fussy and have tried so many foundations.  I'm currently enjoying using L'oreals True Match Foundation

Watch my video below to see how I think is the best way to apply this foundation to achieve beautiful natural fresh skin.

What I have found quite appealing about this foundation is that because the finish isn't dewy which is usually my preferred finish I feel like the final look is really fresh.  It gives a wonderful even tone all over and by applying it using the method in my video I feel like you get a very skin like finish.

I recently learnt a tip that I have not yet tried which apparently will make any foundation that isn't waterbased have an even more beautiful finish which is to add a little of an oil to the foundation.  I will certainly give this a try and do another video to update you to see how this works with the L'oreal True Match Foundation

I hope you enjoyed watching my video and look out for a few more soon on how to achieve a beautiful base for your  make up
