Before starting this post I was weighing up whether to title it Finding and Following your Passions or Feel the Fear and do it Anyway... Reason being that when you realise what your passions are, to follow them can actually be quite scary. If you fail at something that you are not that bothered about, does it really matter? I would suggest not so much, however if you are passionate about something and it doesn't work out then it can feel much more of a blow.
Take this blog for instance, I am actually getting a lot of satisfaction from seeing it grow and how it looks when I publish the articles. However it was quite scary putting it out there, the articles come from within and the thought of people reacting negatively did put me off of doing it. But then what is the point in writing if it doesn't come from your heart and your true thoughts and feeling. So I felt the fear and did it anyway and am gaining lots of satisfaction from doing so.
Knowing what your passions are and following them is hugely satisfying and I have found that I know I'm passionate about something if I find it all consuming. When you think of nothing else when you are immersed in what you are doing it is almost like meditation.
When we were doing up our house I was consumed by wooden floors, shutters, colours of paints, wardrobes. I was collecting beautiful images on Pinterest to recreate in my home. I loved the whole process and now I love living in the beautiful surroundings I have created. So although this project is now complete I can still restyle my home with throws, candles and cushions so I can continue enjoying my new found passion.
I think its important to have a few passions that you can do on your own. I like to have things I love to do when its rainy and cold outside, like baking, or my blog and then also when the weather is beautiful, I enjoy keeping the garden tidy and am currently starting a vegetable patch.
I think following your passions doesn't have to just apply to projects, it can be hobbies that you can do socially, like dancing, singing or sports. If it consumes you to the point you think of nothing else when you are doing it, you've found your thing! Dancing literally makes my soul sing, however it isn't practical for me to be dancing all the time so it is so important to find a few things that make you tick that you can incorporate into your daily life.
I was just looking for a quote to go with this blog and I stumbled across this and it struck a chord with me.
"The saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary, because there's nothing to make it last" - Nicholas Sparks
I feel the quote is too sad to make into an image, but I think it could be quite true.
Realise your passions and do a little of them every day, it could be reading, writing, singing, dancing gardening, just the little things in life, or a beautiful mixture of everything!
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