Slow down and See the Beauty of Life Every Day for Happier Days

Sometimes I feel like I'm on a merry go round.  Ensuring I see everyone regularly, busying myself to the degree that when I have a day to myself I can almost feel panicky.  Rushing around each day to make sure I meet whoever I'm meeting on time.

I think I feel that if I don't make sure I see people regularly then they will think I haven't bothered with them and I'm not a good friend.  In reality they are probably just as busy as I am and am squeezing me into their diary....

I love my friends and I love seeing my friends but  have to admit that sometimes a day to myself would be a little luxury.  When you have a complete day to yourself you aren't watching the time, you can let the day flow a little more.  When I'm not rushing to meet someone at a certain time I find I enjoy my walk into town a little more.   I slow down and walk at a more normal pace.  This allows me to take in the scenery, notice little shops, listen to nature, see a squirrel scamper by and simply breathe.

If on these days I can stop myself from making phone calls whilst leaving the house I find I remember things I need that I have previously forgotten when chatting on the phone as I shut the front door!

A day on your own allows you to have a few of your own thoughts.  It allows you to get little jobs done that you would have let build up like Clearing your Clutter, finding new recipes, baking a cake, tidying the garden.

Don't get me wrong I wouldn't want every day on my own but I think its important to not pack events and people in.  It is so much more enjoyable to meet with friends when you may not have done so for a day or two.  It feels a lovely treat rather than a job that you are trying to constantly keep on top of.

This quote stood out to me and thought it would be something to ponder on within this post:

Try this week slowing down and not having a full packed diary. You might just find you feel a little more relaxed, your home maybe a little tider giving you space in your mind to think.  It may give you some time to think about how you want your life to be rather than just going through the motions.  You may find you have time to enjoy something you find you no longer had time for, like read a book, go for a walk in town and enjoy a coffee or a milkshake in the sunshine.   You may find yourself remembering what you actually enjoy doing yourself and make time for it because you've had time to actually think about it!

I will be writing a post soon on once you have managed to slow down how to enjoy your new found time you have!  The Simple things in life that lead to Happiness
