Recently I have been thinking about my own happiness and what makes us happy. I have only very recently been blessed with our baby son and I want him to be as happy as possible and am aware that my happiness or not so happiness will rub off on him. This has got me to thinking about my own happiness and how elusive it can sometimes be.
I have already discovered that thinking too much about how to be happy can have a scarily opposite effect. I spoke to my homeopath and she suggested it is more about finding out what you enjoy, working out what makes you tick and doing more of that, rather than spending time thinking about being happy and how hard that can be.
She also suggested to me that it is about taking time to smell the roses and not racing through life busying yourself so much that you are unable to enjoy lifes real riches.
Living in the moment, finding things you love to do each day, it could be the smallest of things like enjoying a cup of tea in front of your favourite television show, to doing an exercise class or listening to your favourite piece of music or all of the above. Simple every day things to remember to appreciate.
This is an experiment for myself to see what makes us /me feel truely happiest. I will be blogging my trials and errors.
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