This is a big one for me, and I did get this idea from the Happiness Project. The first one according to Gretchen Ruben that she tried is clearing away the clutter out of cupboards. I am going to start with my wardrobes and kitchen cupboards. I am not big on clutter and discovered a while ago how much easier it is to clean without numerous nick nacks to move and replace when dusting. Also it just looks so much crisper and clearer. Does this equal a clearer mind, I definitely think so. When the house is free of keys thrown on the side or paperwork hanging around I can completely relax as I am not looking at paperwork to do or looking around thinking the house needs a tidy!
After clearing out my wardrobe I feel so much better, I know what is in there I want to wear at some point, not just loads of junk that I do not enjoy wearing. When I open my wardrobe it looks aestheticly pleasing. It is also easier to find something to wear each day as is organised making each day more pleasant when getting dressed. This also led to a good deed of giving away a huge bag of clothes to charity which also made me feel good.
This has spurred me on to move on to Elliotts wardrobe and kitchen cupboards. Again I can find ingredients that I need easily. There are now no out of date products sitting there taking up space. Elliotts wardrobe is clearer, although this is a constant job with his super speedy growth!
I definitely feel clearing out my cupboards has made me feel more serene and impacts on my happiness every time I open the cupboards. Not a feeling of elation but a lovely calm satisfaction.
I definitely feel clearing out my cupboards has made me feel more serene and impacts on my happiness every time I open the cupboards. Not a feeling of elation but a lovely calm satisfaction.
A big thank you to Gretchen for starting me off on my pursuit to happiness!
I am going to continue with organisation as being organised again helps in daily life, making things easier. If there is a place for keys and wallets, they never get lost. A home for all of Elliotts toys means the house is tidy and I know where to find them when I need them. Everything needs a home.
Cooking requires recipes and I have started to print off all recipes I like or write them down and keep them in a ringbinder with sections of mains, chicken, steak, fish and then desserts and baking. Again making each day easy to find something nice to cook.
I'm thinking more organisation with my wardrobe, orgnaising it into colours so you can find tops easily, but also evening wear, day tops, sporty tops and bottoms. I think this one is definitely going to help me as not knowing what to wear each day and throwing on something that doesn't make you feel good can lead to a bit of a down day.
So there are so many things you can do online and wardrobe organising is one of them. On first sight this seemed a great idea, take photos of all your clothes and then you can see online what you have all in one handy little app and then create looks on your phone. The idea is that your wardrobe is full of gorgeous outfits that you just haven't thought about putting together. Firstly it took a ridiculous amount of time to take photos of all my clothes (I still have not completed this task and it put me in a terrible mood doing this, my eyes felt like they were bleeding) and then once I had uploaded a huge chunk of my clothes and started to explore the app I could see no point in creating looks online. The one thing it did help me with is going through my wardrobe and actually really thinking about when was the last time I wore that and putting it in the charity bag if it really was a while ago. It made me realise which items I really love and to clear out the ones that I don't. I found items I forgot about. I still haven't quite worked out a way to make more of the clothes I own, but I do think spending more time online to pick an outfit rather than opening up a clear organised wardrobe is possibly not the way forward.
Perhaps organising clothes into not only colours but warm jumpers, lighter jumpers, spring wear etc could help. I will update on how I get on with this!
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